5 Dental Practices to Keep Your Gums and Teeth Healthy

Achieving healthy gums and teeth takes a lifetime of commitment. You can't expect to have a perfect smile with your white teeth if you only settle with brushing your teeth once a day. Even if you have been told that you have nice teeth, neglecting your dental care in Hunterdon County can lead to future issues. 

You may already have a general knowledge of what needs to be done to take care of your teeth, but here's a quick reminder.

woman performing good dental care in Hunterdon County

Ways to Keep Your Gums and Teeth Healthy

Brush Your Teeth  

Brushing your teeth is one of the first oral care routines you were taught as a kid, and that's for a good reason. Bacteria and saliva can build up in your mouth while you sleep or eat. Experts recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day with the right type of toothbrush and toothpaste. You'll want to ask your dentist how you can choose the right brush for you.  

Remove Teeth Stains  

Teeth stains come from various substances like coffee, tea, or red wine. Though prevention is always better than a cure, these instances may not be avoided, so you must know how to remove these stains from your teeth. You'll never want to flash a yellowish smile to your friends on an extraordinary occasion.   

In case you can't give up your coffee or anything that could stain your teeth, at least visit your dentist for regular teeth whitening sessions. You can also use this time to ask for recommendations about teeth whitening products.  

Make Flossing a Daily Habit  

There are spaces between your teeth that your toothbrush can't reach. Flossing helps remove food particles stuck in your teeth to prevent plaque buildup. You must also know how to floss efficiently.   

If not removed, plaque and cavities cause bad breath. Flossing at least once daily can make a significant difference in your dental health.  

Use Mouthwash  

Some instances limit your dental care routine unless you bring your toothbrush anywhere you go. If you need to freshen up your breath before meeting other people after work, using a mouthwash can do the trick.  

You'll want a mouthwash that contains fluoride to help fight against plaque and cavities.   

Visit Your Dentist Regularly  

If you do those mentioned above, then you're closer to having healthy gums and teeth. However, no matter how much you brush and floss your teeth at home, you still need to see your dentist. Your dentist can give you a better diagnosis of the status of your gums and teeth, providing you with preventive treatment for any possible complex dental issues that could arise.  

woman observing good dental care in Hunterdon County

Would You Like to Experience Top-notch Dental Care in Hunterdon County?  

If you're looking for skilled and knowledgeable dentists to help you keep your dental health in good shape, River Valley Dental is the place to be. When you're under our care, we commit to providing you with the proper dental treatment you need. You can start bringing your oral health care to a different level by setting an appointment.